Organic Ingredients: Shatavari Root, Goats Rue, Marshmallow Root, Blessed Thistle, Alfalfa Leaf and Fennel Seed
Packed with a unique blend of potent herbs, each chosen specifically to enhance lactation and support overall milk production. Let's dive into the remarkable ingredients that make Dairy Diva truly extraordinary:
🌿 Shatavari Root: This ancient herb has been cherished for centuries for its ability to stimulate breast milk production and promote healthy milk flow. Say hello to abundant milk supply!
🌿 Goats Rue: A lactogenic powerhouse, Goats Rue contains natural compounds that mimic the action of insulin, increasing the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for milk production. Get ready for a flood of liquid gold!
🌿 Marshmallow Root: Marshmallow Root soothes and supports the delicate tissues in your breasts, reducing inflammation and promoting optimal milk flow. Feel the gentle, nurturing touch!
🌿 Blessed Thistle: Known for its galactagogue properties, Blessed Thistle has been used for generations to enhance milk supply and aid in digestion for both mama and baby. Bless your breastfeeding journey with abundant nourishment!
🌿 Alfalfa Leaf: A nutrient-rich herb packed with vitamins and minerals, Alfalfa Leaf not only promotes healthy milk production but also provides a natural energy boost for busy moms. Replenish your vitality!
🌿 Fennel Seed: Aromatic and versatile, Fennel Seed is a breastfeeding mama's best friend. It helps increase milk supply, eases colic in infants, and aids in digestion for both mama and baby. Embrace the sweet, nurturing bond!
7-10 Day supply contains 60 capsules.
15-20 Day supply contains 120 capsules.
30 -40 Day supply contains 250 capsules.
Suggested Use: 2-3 capsules three times a day.
All orders are processed and shipped within a maximum of 2 to 5 business days. However, national holidays and other factors may impact delivery and shipping times.